Letter №34


Letter №34 (ML-39)

Mahatma M. - A.P. Sinnett

December, 1881

Pages - 4.

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Letter №34 p. 1

If my advice is sought and asked, then first of all the real and true situation has to be defined. My "Arhat" vows are pronounced, and I can neither seek revenge nor help others to obtain it. I can help her with cash only when I know that not a mace, not a fraction of a tael will be spent upon any unholy purpose: and revenge is unholy. But we have defence and she has a right to it. Defence and full vindication she must have, and that is why I telegraphed to offer option before proceeding to file a suit. Demand retraction and threaten with a law suit she has a right; and she can also institute proceedings — for he will retract. For that reason have I laid a stress upon the necessity of an article touching upon no other subject but that of the alleged "debt." This alone will prove sufficient to frighten the traducer for it will reveal him before the public as a "slanderer" and show to himself that he was in the wrong box. The mistake is due to the very illegible and ugly handwriting of Macamliffe (a caligrapher and scribe of my kind) who

mace is one-tenth of a "tael," a in weight-denominated silver currency in China.

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Letter №34 p. 2

sent in the information to Statesman. This was a lucky mistake for on that may be built the whole vindication if you act wisely. But the most has to be made of it now — or you will lose the opportunity. So, if you condescend once more to take my advice — since you have opened the first shot in Pioneer, seek out the accounts in Theosophist and on that data and the Tuesday article write for her a nice pungent letter signed with her name and Olcott's. This can be published first in the Pioneer or, if you object to it in some other paper — but at all events they will have to print it in the form of a circular letter and send it to every paper in the land. Demand retraction in it from Statesman and threaten with law suit. If you do that I promise success.

The Odessa Old Lady — the Nadijda — is quite anxious for your autograph — that of "a great and celebrated writer" she says she was very undisposed to part with your

Odessa Old Lady - the Nadijda refers to Nadyejda de Fadeyev (1829-1919), HPB's maternal aunt. She received a Mahatma Letter in 1870 and was visited three times by Master Morya.

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Letter №34 p. 3

letter to the General but had to send you a proof of her own identity. Tell her I — the "Khosyayin" (her niece's Khosyayin she called me as I went to see her thrice) gossiped the thing to you advising you to write to her furnishing her thus with your autograph — also send back through H.P.B. her portraits as soon as shown to your lady, for she at Odessa is very anxious to have them back especially the young face. . . . That's her, as I knew her first "the lovely maiden."

I'm a little busy just now — but will furnish you with explanatory appendix as soon as at leisure — say in two three days. The "Illustrious" will look to all that needs watching. What about Mr. Hume's superb address? Can't you have it ready for your January Number? Ditto your editorial answer to Spiritualist's editorial. Hope y'll not accuse me of any desire to sit

Khosyayin is Russian for manager or boss, per Third Edition of The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett.

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Letter №34 p. 4

upon you — nor will you view my humble request in any other light than the true one. My object is twofold — to develop your metaphysical intuitions and help the journal by infusing into it a few drops of real literary good blood. Your three articles are certainly praise-worthy, the points well taken and as far as I can judge — calculated to arrest the attention of every scholar and metaphysician especially the 1st. Later on you will learn more about creation.

Meanwhile I have to create my dinner — you would scarcely like it — I'm afraid.


Your young friend the Disinherited is on his legs again. Would you really care for his writing to you? In such case, better ventilate in Pioneer the question as to the advisability of coming to terms with China in regard to the establishment of a regular postal service between Prayag and Tzigadzi.