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Letter №44 p. 2

of the universal spiritual principle — the unconscious but ever active life-giver — is to expand and shed; that of the universal material principle to gather in and fecundate. Unconscious and non-existing when separated, they become consciousness and life when brought together. Hence again — Brahma, from the root “brih,” the Sanskrit for “to expand, grow or to fructify,” Brahma being but the vivifying expansive force of nature in its eternal evolution.

NOTE: The next 5 words from "Do" to "intervene" are taken from the letter's bottom left column of Page 1.

(3) Do worlds of effects intervene between the worlds of activity in the series of descent?

(3) The worlds of effects are not lokas or localities. They are the shadow of the world of causes, their souls — worlds having like men their seven principles which develop and grow simultaneously with the body. Thus the body of man is wedded to and remains for ever within the body of his planet; his individual jivatma life principle, that which is called in physiology animal spirits returns after death to its source — Fohat; his linga shariram will be drawn into Akasa; his Kamarupa will recommingle with the Universal Sakti — the Will-Force, or universal energy; his “animal soul” borrowed from the breath of Universal Mind will return to the Dhyan Chohans; his sixth principle — whether drawn into or ejected from the matrix of the Great Passive Principle must remain in its own sphere — either as part of the crude material or as an individualized entity to be reborn in a higher world of causes. The seventh will carry it from the Devachan and follow the new Ego to its place of re-birth. . . .

(4) The magnetic impulse which cannot yet be conceived of as an individuality — enters the second sphere in the same (the mineral) kingdom as that to which it belonged in sphere I and runs the round of mineral incarnations there passing on to sphere III. Our earth is still a sphere of necessity for it. Hence it passes into the upward series — and from the highest of these passes into the vegetable kingdom of sphere I. Without any new impulse of creative force from above, its career round the cycle of worlds as a mineral principle has developed some new attractions or polarizations which cause it to assume the lowest vegetable form. In vegetable forms it passes successively through the cycle of worlds, the whole being still a circle of necessity (as no responsibility can yet have accrued to an unconscious individuality, and therefore it cannot at any stage of its progress do anything to select one or other of divergent paths). Or is there something in the life even of a vegetable which, though not responsibility, may lead it up or down at this critical stage of its progress? Having completed the whole cycle as a vegetable the growing individuality expands on the next circuit into an animal form.

NOTE: These last 16 words from "cycle" to "form" are taken from the letter's top left column of Page 5.

(4) The evolution of the worlds cannot be considered apart from the evolution of everything created or