Page 5


Letter №44 p. 5

NOTE: The 16 words from "cycle" to "form" at the top left of the Page 5 image are included in the text of Page 2, to complete question #4.

(5) Where does it get the animal soul, its fifth principle, from? Has the potentiality of this resided from the first in the original magnetic impulse which constituted the mineral, or at every transition from the last world on the ascending side to sphere I does it, so to speak, pass through an ocean of spirit and assimilate some new principle?

(5) Thus you see his fifth principle is evolved from within himself, man having as you well say “the potentiality” of all the seven principles as a germ, from the very instant he appears in the first world of causes as a shadowy breath, which coagulates with, and is hardened together with the parent sphere.

Spirit or LIFE is indivisible. And when we speak of the seventh principle it is neither quality nor quantity nor yet form that are meant, but rather the space occupied in that ocean of spirit by the results or effects — (beneficent as are all those of a co-worker with nature) — impressed thereon.

(6) From the highest animal (non-human) form in sphere I — how does it get to sphere II? It is inconceivable that it can descend to the lowest animal form there, but otherwise how can it go through the whole circle of life on each planet in turn? If it runs its cycle in a spiral (i.e., from form 1 of sphere I to form 1 of sphere II, etc. — then to form 2 of sphere I, II, III, etc., and then to form 3 of sphere. . . .nth) then it seems to me that the same rule must apply to the mineral and vegetable individualities if they have such,

NOTE: The following two paragraphs from "and yet" to "entity" have been inserted here from Page 9 of the letter (left-hand column), to complete question #6.

and yet some things I have been told seem to militate against that. [State them and they will be answered and explained.] For the moment I must work on that hypothesis, however.

Having swept through the cycle in the highest animal form the animal soul in its next plunge into the ocean of spirit acquires the seventh principlewhich endows it with a sixth. This determines its future on Earth, and at the close of the earth life has sufficient vitality to keep an attraction of its own for the seventh principle, or loses this and ceases to exist as a separate entity.

NOTE: The following bracketed comments from "All this" to "itself" have been inserted here from Page 9 of the letter (right-hand column).

[All this misconceived. 7th principle always there as a latent force in every one of the principles — even body. As the macrocosmic Whole it is present even in the lower sphere, but there is nothing there to assimilate it to itself.]

(6) Why, “inconceivable?” The highest animal form in sphere I or A being irresponsible, there is no degradation for it to merge into sphere II or B as the most infinitesimal of that sphere. While on its upward course, as you were told, man finds even the lowest animal form there — higher than he was himself on earth. How do you know that men and animals and even life in its