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Letter №47 p. 4

becomes a thing of the Past. It is you alone, the simple action of your swift pen which will have produced the nidana and the ten-del, the "cause" and its "effect" and thus the work of seven years, the constant untiring efforts of the builders of the Theos. Society will perish — killed by the wounded vanity of a medium.

This simple act on your part is silently digging out a chasm between us. The evil may yet be averted — let the Society exist but in name till the day it can get members with whom we can work de facto — and by the creation of another counteracting cause we may save the situation. The hand of the Chohan alone can bridge it, but it must be yours that places the first stone for the work. How will you do it? How can you do it? Think of it well, if you care for further intercourse. They want something new, a Ritual to amuse them. Consult with Subba Row, with Sankariah the Dewan Naib of Cochin, read attentively his pamphlet extracts from which you will find in the last Theosophist (see, "A Flash of


Nidana (Tibetan: Ten-del) is a Sanskrit word that means "chain of causation." In Buddhism the term is usually translated as "dependent origination," and refers to the concatenation of cause and effect that drives consciousness into successive rebirths.