Page 18


Letter №66 p. 18

sub-races, each with seven incarnations = 13 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 = 31,213 lives, or one round with seven races and seven sub-races and a life in each = 13 x 7 x 7 = 637 lives or again 4,459 lives. Please set us right here stating the normal number of lives (the exact numbers will vary owing to idiots, children, etc., not counting) and how divided.

(7b) As the above described race: i.e., at each planet — our earth included — he has to perform seven rings through seven races (one in each) and seven multiplied by seven offshoots. There are seven root-races, and seven sub-races or offshoots. Our doctrine treats anthropology as an absurd empty dream of the religionists and confines itself to ethnology. It is possible


Sinnett's copy-book appears to have an arithmetic error where he writes "13 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 = 31,313", see image.