I am sincerely pleased my "pupil" that you should write to me as agreed — whether you have — or have not — any special question to put to me. — It is impossible under your present health conditions that you should bring back to your physical brain the consciousness of higher planes of existence, yet remember, that the sense of magnetic refreshment is no true measure of spiritual benefit, and you may even attain greater spiritual progress whilst your psychic development appears to stand still.
Now to answer your questions.
(1) In esoteric teachings "Brahma," "Pitri," and "Deva" lokas, are states of consciousness belonging to the various ethereal hierarchies or classes of Dhyanis and Pitris (the "creators" and "ancestors" of Humanity) and of Devas — some far higher than man (spiritually)
verses quoted is refered to "Isa Upanishad" (verses 9-14); see F. Max Muller "The Sacred Books of the East. The Upanishads", vol. I, 1879, pp.312-313