Letter №78


Letter №78 (ML-51)

Mahatma K.H. - A.P. Sinnett

22 August, 1882

Pages - 4.

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Letter №78, p. 1


My good friend,

Remember that in the phenomenon intended for Colonel Chesney there was, is, and will be but one real phenomenal thing, or rather — an act of occultism — the likeness of your humble servant the best of the two productions of D. Khool, I am sorry to say — for you. The rest of the performance is, notwithstanding its mysterious character, something but too natural, and, of which I do not at all approve. But I have no right to go against the traditional policy however much I would like to avoid its practical application.

Keep this strictly within

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Letter №78, p. 2

your own friendly heart until the day comes to let several persons know that you were warned of it. I dare not say more. The probations are hard all round and are sure not to meet your European notions of truthfulness and sincerity. But reluctant as I do feel to use such means or even to permit them to be used in connection with my chelas, yet I must say that the deception, the lack of good faith, and the traps (!!) intended to inveigle the Brothers, have

Inveigle means to use deception to persuade someone to do something.

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Letter №78, p. 3

multiplied so much of late; and there is so little time left to that day that will decide the selection of the chelas, that I cannot help thinking that our chiefs and especially M. may be after all right. With an enemy one has to use either equal or better weapons. But do not be deceived by appearance. Were that I could be as frank with Mr. Hume whom I as sincerely respect for some of his genuine, sterling, qualities as I cannot help blaming for some others. When will any of you know and understand what we really are, instead of indulging in a world of fiction!

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Letter №78, p. 4

In case Col. Chesney speaks to you of certain things tell him not to trust to appearances. He is a gentleman, and ought not to be allowed to labour under a deception, never meant for him but only as a test for those who would impose themselves upon us with an unclean heart. The crisis is near at hand. Who will win the day!

K. H.