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Letter №85-B, p. 9

touched upon the subject of "races" for the first and spoke of reincarnations. If M. told you to beware trusting Isis too implicitly, it was because he was teaching you truth and fact — and that at the time the passage was written we had not yet decided upon teaching the public indiscriminately. He gave you several such instances — if you will but re-read his letter — adding that were such and such sentences written in such a way they would explain facts now merely hinted upon, far better.

Of course to "C.C.M." the passage must seem wrong and contradictory for it is "misleading" as M. said. Many are the subjects treated upon in Isis that even H.P.B. was not allowed to become thoroughly acquainted with; yet they are not contradictory if — "misleading." To make her say — as she was made by me to say — that the passage criticized was "incomplete, chaotic, vague . . . clumsy as many more passages in that work"


to beware trusting Isis refers to a note the Master M. wrote saying "By-the-bye, I’ll re-write for you pages 345 to 357, Vol. I., of Isis". The questionable passages have to do with the denial of the existence of reincarnation in Isis Unveiled.

to "C.C.M." is a reference to an article published in the English Spiritualist periodical Light, in July 8, 1882 by C. C. Massey, criticizing those "discrepancies" in Isis Unveiled.