Connection of Russia with other countries through the governing Rays
Personality Ray | 6th Ray of Idealism |
Soul Ray | 7th Ray of Order |
National Motto | "I link two Ways" |
Capital | Moscow (Ruler - Taurus) |
In the last analysis, all history is the record of the effects of these energies or radiations (rays, in other words) as they play upon humanity in its many varying stages of evolutionary development. These stages extend all the way from those of primeval humanity to our modern civilisation; all that has happened is the result of these energies, pouring cyclically through nature and through that part of nature which we call the human kingdom.
To understand what is today taking place we must recognise that these energies are seven in number. They are called by many names in many different lands, but for our purposes the following seven names will be used:
1. The energy of Will, Purpose or Power, called in Christian lands the energy of the Will of God.
2. The energy of Love-Wisdom, called frequently the Love of God.
3. The energy of Active Intelligence, called the Mind of God.
4. The energy of Harmony through Conflict, affecting greatly the human family.
5. The energy of Concrete Knowledge or Science, so potent at this time.
6. The energy of Devotion or Idealism, producing the current ideologies.
7. The energy of Ceremonial Order, producing the new forms of civilisation.
These energies are ceaselessly playing on humanity, producing changes, expressing themselves through successive civilisations and cultures, and fashioning the many races and nations.
This in no way infringes upon man's freewill; these forces have both their higher and their lower aspects and men respond to them according to their mental and spiritual development, and so do nations and races as a whole. Humanity has reached a point today where there is a most sensitive response to that which is higher and better.
It might perhaps clarify the subject if I pointed out that there are five energies (and there are usually five dominant ray energies active at any time) coming into play:
1. Those energies which are passing out of manifestation, as the sixth Ray of Devotion is at this time passing out.
2. Those energies which are coming into manifestation or incarnation, as the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order is at this time emerging into expression.
3. Those energies which are — at any given time — expressing the ray type of the bulk of the manifesting humanity. Today these ray types are predominantly the second and the third. Relatively large numbers of first ray egos are also to be found acting as focal points for certain first ray forces.
4. Those energies which are today being invoked as the result of human need and human demand for succour. This demand curiously enough remains largely in the realm of the first ray influence for the desperate need of humanity is evoking the will aspect and that ray embodies the divine will-to-good and remains immutable and is — for the first time in the history of humanity — being invoked on a large scale.71
The sixth ray is potent in Russia, the United States, Italy and Spain. It is the fanatical adherence to an ideal which is responsible also for the potent changes in these four countries.72
Russia is peculiarly interesting at this time from the angle of humanity because she comes under the influence of both rays. Her egoic ray is the seventh and her personality ray is the sixth. Hence the tremendous conflict which is going on between the fanatical sixth ray cruelty of her sixth ray regime [(written before 1949)] and the spiritual harmlessness which is the basic principle of the national ideology. Hence also the materiality of several important sections of her populace and the essential brotherliness which is imposed by the idealism and the mystical aspiration of the Russian genius, expressed through its people as a whole. Hence also the correctness of their spiritual motto which is as yet unrealised by them but which is working itself out noticeably to those of us who can see upon the inner side of life. That motto is: "I link two ways."
Spain has a sixth ray ego and a seventh ray personality — thus reversing the forces which are expressing themselves through the Russian spirit. Spain, too, acts as a link in world adjustment but this time the link is between Europe and Africa, and in this capacity Spain has earlier served. It will be apparent to you also how inevitable has been the relationship between Spain and Russia and how the ideology of the latter country has influenced the national government. It will also be apparent why the battleground of the two great ideologies — the Fascist and the Communistic — has been found inevitably in Spain. The triumph of the Fascist part has been equally inevitable from the start because of the egoic relation existing between Spain and Italy and also to the proximity of the two countries which has enabled the telepathic impress of Fascist idealism to be easily impressed upon the prepared and sensitive Spanish consciousness.73
India, France, the United States of America, Russia and Brazil are all feminine and constitute the nurturing mother aspect. They are feminine in their psychology — intuitive, mystical, alluring, beautiful, fond of display and colour, and with the faults also of the feminine aspect, such as over emphasis upon the material aspects of life, upon pageantry, upon possession and upon money or its equivalent as a symbol of the form side of existence. They mother and nurture civilisation and ideas.
Spain, Austria and France, being governed by the seventh, fifth and third rays, have a close inter-relation.5*This worked out in a most interesting manner in the Middle Ages, and the destinies of these three nations were closely related. The newly forming country of the United States is likewise spiritually and intimately associated — in its form aspect — with Brazil, Russia and Italy; hence the early influx of certain types of emigrants into the country and hence also the pull of the South American countries upon the American consciousness, and the growth (rightly or wrongly) of the ideal of Pan-America.74
5* Read more about Ray Energies in books of A. Bailey “The Destiny of the Nations” and “Esoteric Psychology” Volume I and II.