References - part 1



1* "In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms.

    The first is freedom of speech and expression — everywhere in the world.

    The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way — everywhere in the world.

    The third is freedom from want — which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants - everywhere in the world.

    The fourth is freedom from fear — which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbour — anywhere in the world."

(Franklin D. Roosevelt, January 6, 1941)

2*     Initiation is a process of expansion of consciousness which is characterised by achieving a spiritual control over physical (the First Initiation) and emotional natures (the Second Initiation). From the esoteric point of view the First and the Second Initiations are not the major initiations or are the “initiations of the threshold”.

3*    The statement needs additional clarification: 1) Here the Teacher speaks just about an ideal as that of an implemented idea with its distortions attendant to the incarnation; 2) this fragment is written in 1940 which is after the repressions of 1936-1938, and so the Teacher has doubts about the further vector of development of the communist ideal of the USSR: which path this development will take – the path of individualism or dictatorship of labour, the path of the Sermon on the Mount or “the worst aspects of revolutionism and exploitation”. 3) Here we should take into an account that the Masters intended (see “The Externalisation of The Hierarchy”) that the Second World War would not be expressed on the physical plane.

4*    Proposed by the President James Monroe (1823) Programme of the USA government where in particular the principal of mutual non-interference of countries of the American and the European continents was declared. (Editor's)


"Russia in the XX century. Esoteric basis of Ideology"

Books by A. Bailey (The Master D. K.) used in compilation of Part 1


5. [ April 1940, " The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p. 185-187]

6. [1942, " Esoteric Psychology - Volume II", p. 630-632]

7. [The year of publishing 1953, "Esoteric Healing", p.668-669]

8. [April-May 1940, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.217-220]

9. ["Esoteric Psychology - Volume II", p.632-638]

10. [April 1942,"The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.182-183]

11. [1947, "Problems of Humanity", p. 36-39]

12. [April 1942, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.338-340]

13. ["Rays and The Initiations", p.596-597]

14. [January 1938, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.50-54]

15. [April 1940, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.198-200]

16. [February 1949, " Rays and The Initiations", p.744-749]

17. ["Esoteric Psychology - Volume I", p.179-180]

18. ["Education in the New Age", p. 103-107]

19. ["The Destiny of the Nations", p.8-10]

20. ["The Destiny of the Nations", p.21-26]

21. [September 1939, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.126-127]

22. [1947, "The Destiny of the Nations", p.101]

23. [April 1947, "Rays and The Initiations", p.429]

24. ["Rays and The Initiations", p.624-635]

25. ["Rays and The Initiations", p.744]

26. [" Esoteric Healing", p.662]

27. [1947, "The Destiny of the Nations", p.104-105]

28. ["The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.130-132]

29. ["Problems of Humanity", p.68]

30. [September 1939, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.132]

31. [April-May 1946, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.613-614]

32. ["The Destiny of the Nations", p.12-13]

33. ["The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.447]

34. ["The Destiny of the Nations", p.13]

35. ["The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.133-135]

36. ["The Destiny of the Nations" p.14-15]

37. ["The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.447-449]

38. ["The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.133-134]

39. ["The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p. 665]

40. ["The Destiny of the Nations", p.16-17]

41. ["The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p. 135-136]

42. ["The Destiny of the Nations", p.17-18]

43. [1947, "Problems of Humanity", p. 21]

44. [1947, "Problems of Humanity", p. 68]

45. [1947, "Problems of Humanity", p. 21-22]

46. [ March 1945, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.450]

47. ["Problems of Humanity", p.22-23]

48. [1947, "Problems of Humanity", p. 68-69]

49. [April 1942, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p. 339-340]

50. ["Problems of Humanity", p.170-171]

51. [1949, "The Destiny of the Nations", p.61]

50. ["Problems of Humanity", p.170-171]

51. [1949, "The Destiny of the Nations", p.61]

52. [1949, "The Destiny of the Nations", p.85-86]

53. [1949, "The Destiny of the Nations", p.86]

54. [1934, "A Treatise on White Magic", p.406-409]

55. [1942, "Esoteric Psychology - Volume II", p.658]

56. [1947, "Problems of Humanity", p.45]

57. ["Esoteric Psychology - Volume II", p.261-263]

58. [1955, "Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II", p.278]

59. [1951, "Esoteric Astrology", p.546]

60. [1947, "Problems of Humanity", p.130-131]

61. [April 1940, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p. 201-202]

62. ["Rays and The Initiations", p.595]

63. ["Rays and The Initiations", p.428]

64. [ October 1949, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.700]

65. ["Rays and The Initiations", p.679]

66. [June 1949, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.671-672]

67. ["Rays and The Initiations", p.679-681]

68. ["Rays and The Initiations", p.622-623]

69. ["Rays and The Initiations", p.749]

70. [1949, "The Destiny of the Nations", p.54]

71. [1949, "The Destiny of the Nations", p.3-5]

72. [1936, " Esoteric Psychology - Volume I", p.385]

73. [1949, "The Destiny of the Nations", p.60-62]

74. [1949, "The Destiny of the Nations", p.55-56]

75. [April 1948, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.637-638]

76. [1947, "Problems of Humanity", p.176]

77. [April 1948, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.638-640]

78. [April 1940, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.190-196]

79. [1947, "Problems of Humanity", p. 75-80]

80. ["Esoteric Healing", p. 661]

81. ["Problems of Humanity", p. 80]

82. ["The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.60]

83. [1947, "Problems of Humanity", p. 80]

84. [January 1938, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.61]

85. [1947, "Problems of Humanity", p. 70-73]

86. ["Problems of Humanity", p. 78]

87. [1947, "Problems of Humanity", p.74-76]

88. [1936, " Esoteric Psychology - Volume I", p.174]

89. [1947, "Problems of Humanity", p. 74-81]

90. [1947, "Problems of Humanity", p.26-27]

91. [April 1940, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.197]

92. ["Problems of Humanity", p. 174-176]

93. ["The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.642-665]

94. [ June 1949, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.664-670]

95. [June 1948, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p. 646-647]

96. [June 1949, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", p.667-670]

97. [ "Rays and The Initiations", p. 572-573]


  References - part 1