Pishes Power



Transition through Pisces into Aquarius

10 March, 1990



Feb 16, 1990

 This time everything went on quick and easy. There were not any obstacles at all. I had my English friend then (Pieces by sign), a diplomat, who invited me to join him in his trip to England. It took him practically no time to help me with visa, though in nineties to get a permission for going abroad seemed quite impossible for ordinary people, and to Great Britain – particularly!

There we stayed at his sister's house together – He, his wife, his sister and myself. Very soon my really dubious and "shaky" position in the family became quite evident to me. And above all, I began to feel terrible pain in my belly, everlasting, non-stop, not for a minute! I thought the reason was probably in local fresh water, or change of food, but now I 've come to realise quite clearly, that I suffered from the strongest energetic tightness in my vital centre. I was almost dying of this awful pain – and it looked like physical sacrifice! So, I felt absolutely miserable, this sense of discomfort growing worse and worse with days on! Though from its outer side my life looked perfect: the people were polite, and friendly, living conditions – on high level... Still I found myself desperately unhappy and humiliated: the formal behaviour of those people and the "Pisces" betrayal of my friend who was trying "to serve two masters" with his obsessive, false care, – all seemed so unbearable!

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