Theosophical books



"Stady in consciousness"



Stady in consciousness

Study in Consciousness is a book by Annie Besant that was written in ca. 1904. Besant intended this book to be a contribution to the science of psychology. She writes that the seed of consciousness is the tri-atomic Atma-Buddhi-Manas, the Jivatma. The Super-consciousness includes the whole of the consciousness above the waking-consciousness, like dreams, visions, inspirations, etc.

"Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom"

Год издания: 


"Letters From Teachers Of Wisdom"

 I AM privileged to introduce to the world this priceless booklet of Letters from the Elder Brothers, who were the true Founders of the Theosophical Society. Many a Pilgrim on the Probationary Path will find in it much of help and inspiration, and it will serve to deepen the sense of the reality of our Teachers, sometimes blurred in the minds of neophytes by the tumultuous happenings in the outer world, as the notes of a vina are drowned if played in the rattle of an engine-shed. May it speak to those who have ears to hear.

Annie Besant

"Isis Unveiled" Vol. I



"Isis Unveiled" Vol. I

 “SOME time ago, a Theosophist, Mr. R----, was traveling by rail with an American gentleman, who told him how surprised he had been by his visit to our London Headquarters. He said that he had asked Mme. Blavatsky what were the best Theosophical works for him to read, and had declared his intention of procuring Isis Unveiled, when to his astonishment she replied, "Don't read it, it is all trash."

"Isis Unveiled" Vol. II



"Isis Unveiled" Vol. II

 “SOME time ago, a Theosophist, Mr. R----, was traveling by rail with an American gentleman, who told him how surprised he had been by his visit to our London Headquarters. He said that he had asked Mme. Blavatsky what were the best Theosophical works for him to read, and had declared his intention of procuring Isis Unveiled, when to his astonishment she replied, "Don't read it, it is all trash."

"The Key to Theosophy"



H.P. Blavatsky. The Key to Theosophy.


The purpose of this book is exactly expressed in its title, "THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY," and needs but few words of explanation. It is not a complete or exhaustive text-book of Theosophy, but only a key to unlock the door that leads to the deeper study. It traces the broad outlines of the Wisdom Religion, and explains its fundamental principles; meeting, at the same time, the various objections raised by the average Western enquirer, and endeavouring to present unfamiliar concepts in a form as simple and in language as clear as possible. That it should succeed in making Theosophy intelligible without mental effort on the part of the reader, would be too much to expect; but it is hoped that the obscurity still left is of the thought not of the language, is due to depth not to confusion. To the mentally lazy or obtuse, Theosophy must remain a riddle; for in the world mental as in the world spiritual each man must progress by his own efforts. The writer cannot do the reader's thinking for him, nor would the latter be any the better off if such vicarious thought were possible. The need for such an exposition as the present has long been felt among those interested in the Theosophical Society and its work, and it is hoped that it will supply information, as free as possible from technicalities, to many whose attention has been awakened, but who, as yet, are merely puzzled and not convinced.


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