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Письмо №66 стр. 11

zoonisations (?) and incarnations — but an infinitude of sub-rings or subordinate whirls all in series of sevens. As the geologist divides the crust of the earth into great divisions, sub-divisions, minor compartments and zones; and the botanist his plants into orders, classes and species, and the zoologist his subjects into classes, orders and families, so we have our arbitrary classifications and our nomenclature. But besides all this being incomprehensible to you, volumes upon volumes out of the Books of Kiu-te and others would have to be written. Their commentaries are worse still. They are filled with the most abstruse mathematical calculations


Books of Kiu-te - Tibetan occult works, said to consist of 35 volumes of popular writings and 7 volumes of esoteric writings, with some 14 volumes of commentaries. The Stanzas of Dzyan in The Secret Doctrine comprise the first volume of the commentaries on the 7 secret folios of Kiu-te.

Footnote from The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett. in Chronological Sequence ed. Vincente Hao Chin, Jr.