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can trust her with the above — if you think proper. But beware of poor Mrs. Gordon. An excellent lady but would talk Death herself to death. And now I have done.

Yours ever faithfully,

K. H.

Please do not regard it as a compliment — but believe me when I say that your two Letters and especially "The Evolution of Man" is simply SUPERB. Do not fear any contradictions or inconsistencies.

I say again — make notes of them and send them to me and you will see.

I pray you, kind sir, to lock the foolish letter sent on yesterday to Hume-Sahib into your trunk and leave it there to roost until in demand. I tell you it will create mischief and no better. K.H. is too sensitive by far — he is becoming in your Western Society a regular Miss.




"Evolution of Man" refers to Fragments of Occult Truth No. 4, published by A. P. Sinnett in two parts in The Theosophist in October and November 1882.

Sahib means "friend" in Arabic and was commonly used in the Indian Sub-continent as a courteous term in the way that "Mr." and "Mrs." are used in the English language.