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Письмо №9 стр. 3

hang upon incessant argumentation and philipics? He says that he is no doctrinaire when he is the very essence of one! He is worthy of all the respect and even affection of those who know him well. But my stars! in less than 24 hours he would paralyse any one of us, who might be unfortunate enough to come within a mile of him, merely by his monotonous piping about his own views. No; a thousand times no: such men as he make able statesmen, orators anything you like but — never Adepts. We have not one of that sort among us. And that is perhaps why we never felt the necessity for a house of lunatics. In less than three months he would have driven half of our Thibetan population mad!

I mailed a letter for you the other day at Umballa. I see you did not receive it yet.

Yours ever affectionately,

Koot Hoomi.