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Letter №49 p. 5

Mahabharata to both of which he evidently attributes the same author — yet he is positively and absolutely the only one, whose general comprehension of Spirit, and its capabilities and functions after the first separation, we call death, are on the whole if not quite correct, at least approximating very nearly Truth. Read it, when it comes out, especially Par. 3, Col. I, page 152 et seq, where you will find them. You may then understand, why, instead of answering your direct question I go into a subject, so far, perfectly indifferent to you. Follow, for instance his definition of the term "Angel" (it will be on line 30,) and try to follow and comprehend his thought, so clumsily yet withal so correctly expressed and then, compare it with the Tibetan teaching. Poor, poor Humanity, when shalt thou have the whole and unadulterated Truth! Behold, each of the "privileged ones saying: "I alone am right! There is no lacuna. . . ."

No; none: — not on that one special page opened before him, and which he alone is reading in the endless volume of "Spirit Revelation," called Seership. But why such stubborn oblivion of the important fact that there are other and innumerable pages before and after that one solitary page that each of the "Seers" has so far hardly learnt to decipher? Why is it, that every one of those "Seers" believes himself the Alpha and the Omega of Truth? Thus


lacuna refers to a missing section of text.

the Alpha and the Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, signifying the beginning and the end, or totality.