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My dear friend,
The present will be delivered at your house by Darbhagiri Nath, a young Chela of mine, and his brother Chela, Chandra Cusho. They are forbidden to enter anyone's house without being invited to do so. Therefore, I pray you to pardon our savage customs and, at the same time to humour them by sending them an invitation in your name, either now — if you can receive them privately and without risking their meeting at your place with any stranger; or — at any other time during the evening, or late at night.
I have not the slightest objection to Mrs. S your lady seeing either of them; but I pray her not to address them, since they are forbidden by our religious laws to speak with any lady — their mothers and sisters excepted — and that she would otherwise greatly embarrass them. I pray her to do so in my name, and for my sake. I trust also to your friendship that none but you will speak with them. They have their mission and beyond that they must not go (1) to deliver into your hands my "answers to the famous contradictions"