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Letter №85-A, p. 5

of unredeemable sin and bestiality — go to the Deva chan, ibid.


It (Devachan) is an idealed paradise in each case of the Ego's own making and by him filled with the scenery crowded with the incidents and thronged with the people he would expect to find in such a sphere of compensative bliss. Ibid.


Nor can we call it a full but only a partial remembrance. X Love and hatred are the only immortal feelings, the only survivors from the wreck of the Ye-damma or phenomenal world. Imagine yourself in Devachan then, with those you may have loved with such immortal love, with the familiar shadowy scenes connected with them for a background, and a perfect


The numbers [8] and [9] were added to the letter in blue pencil.

Ye Dhamma means "arisen from a cause".