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Letter №62 p. 2

globes bearing intelligent beings — both in and out of our solar system — the crowns or apexes of evolutionary being in their respective chains, some — physically and intellectually — lower, others immeasurably higher than the man of our chain. But beyond mentioning them we will not speak of these at present.

Through every race then, man has to pass making seven successive entrances and exits and developing intellect to degrees from the lowest to the highest in succession. In short, his earth-cycle with its rings and sub-rings is the exact counterpart of the Great Cycle — only in miniature. Bear in mind again, that the intervals even between these special "race re-incarnations" are enormous, as even the dullest of the African Bushmen has to reap the reward of his Karma, equally with his brother Bushman who may be six times more intelligent.

Your Ethnographers and anthropologists would do well to ever keep in their minds this, unvarying septenary law which runs throughout the works of nature. From Cuvier — the late grand master of Protestant Theology — whose Bible-stuffed brain made him divide mankind into but three distinct varieties of races — down to Blumenbach who divided them into five — they were all wrong. Alone Pritchard, who prophetically suggested seven comes near the right mark. I read in the Pioneer of June 12th forwarded to me by H.P.B. a letter on the Ape Theory by A.P.W. which


Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) was a French naturalist and zoologist, major figure in natural sciences and instrumental in establishing the fields of comparative anatomy and paleontology. He criticized the evolutionary theory and believed there were three races: 1) the Caucasian (white), the original race to which Adam and Eve belonged; 2) the Mongolian (yellow); and 3) the Ethiopian (black). The latter were derived from the Caucasian.

Blumenbach was Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1840), a German physician, naturalist, and physiologist, who devised an anthropological classification of races based on his research into skulls.

Pritchard was James Cowles Prichard (1786-1848), an English physician and ethnologist who wrote a massive study of the physical history of mankind.