Energy of Shamballa and the role of dictators
The most obvious and powerful force in the world today is that of the first Ray of Will and Power. This is the force which pours into the world from the major world centre, Shamballa. Little is known of Shamballa. More will be known as you study this text and note how world affairs are taking shape before your eyes in accordance with my prevision (as presented to your limited vision) and the obvious possibilities. These are necessarily the equally obvious effects of predisposing causes.
It works out in two ways:
1. As the will of God in world affairs, which is ever the will-to-good. Steadily — if you study human history intelligently — you will see that there has been a regular and rhythmic progression toward unity and synthesis in all departments of human affairs. This unity in multiplicity is the Eternal Plan — a unity in consciousness, a multiplicity in form.
2. As the destructive element in world affairs. This refers to man's use of this force of will which is seldom as yet the will-to-good in active expression, but something which leads to self-assertion (of the individual or the nation) and to war with its accompaniments — separation, selfish diplomacy, hate and armaments, disease and death.
Only twice before in the history of mankind has this Shamballa energy made its appearance and caused its presence to be felt through the tremendous changes which were brought about:
1. When the first great human crisis occurred at the time of the individualisation of man in ancient Lemuria.
2. At the time of the great struggle in Atlantean days between the "Lords of Light and the Lords of Material Expression."
It is this force which will bring about (in conjunction with second ray force) that tremendous crisis — imminent in the human consciousness — which we call the second crisis, the initiation of the race into the Mystery of the Ages, into that which has been hid from the beginning.
The first crisis, as you have been taught, was the crisis of individualisation wherein man became a living soul. The second crisis is the immediate one of racial initiation, made possible (if you will but believe it) by the many individual initiations which have lately been undergone by those members of the human family who had vision and a willingness to pay the price.32
Forget not that divine energy must make its impact upon human minds; these minds are the only available instrument—in their aggregated effect—through which the Will of God can expressitself; they are necessarily responsive to the stimulating and energising results of that impact, and this will evoke results suited to the type of mind affected. Response will be compatible with the quality and the intention of those minds. Where goodwill is present, and where there is unselfish intention and a broad point of view, those qualities will be strengthened and endowed with potency; where selfishness rules, where isolationism and separativeness are present, and where there is the intention to gain individual and national ends instead of those international purposes which will profit all humanity, those qualities will equally gain in strength.33
This little known divine energy now streams out from the Holy Centre. It embodies in itself the energy which lies behind the world crisis of the moment. It is the Will of God to produce certain radical and momentous changes in the consciousness of the race which will completely alter man's attitude to life and his grasp of the spiritual, esoteric and subjective essentials of living.34
All countries and nations have altered their ancient policies, changed their forms of government and reacted gradually and slowly to the Shamballa force. They have, however, reacted to that force through the medium of certain great and outstanding personalities who were peculiarly sensitive to the will-to-power and the will-to-change and who (during the past 150 years) have altered the character of their national life, and emphasised increasingly the wider human values.
We call these people dictators, demagogues, inspired leaders, or just and wise men, according to our peculiar ideology, tradition, attitudes to our fellowmen and our particular political, economic and religious training. But all these leaders are simply human beings and like other men—idealistic, mistaken, lovers of their country, egoists, impressionable, foolish, cunning, powerful, focussed on some goal or ambition, with clear vision and at the same time myopic reactions, cruel or wise as the case may be—but, in the last analysis, highly developed personalities. They are being used to engineer great and needed changes and to alter the face of civilisation. The wrong methods employed and the evil things done are the fault of humanity as a whole, and of the habits of thought which have made mankind selfish and cruel and cause this great and universal spirit of the will-to-change to manifest so powerfully and cruelly.35
This particular and somewhat unusual ray energy is expressing itself in two ways. Perhaps it would be more correct to say in two ways that are recognisable by man, because it should be remembered that these ray forces express themselves as potently in other kingdoms in nature as they do in the human. For instance, one phase of the destructive aspects of first ray force has been the organised and scientific destruction of forms in the animal kingdom. This is the destroying force, as manipulated by man. Another phase of the same force (which can be noted in relation to the unfoldment of consciousness in subtle and powerful ways) can be seen in the effect which human beings have upon the domestic animals, hastening their evolution, and stimulating them into forms of advanced instinctual activity. I mention these two phases as illustration of the effect of first ray energy in the animal kingdom, as expressed through human activity.
There is, at this time, an emergence of certain powerful and dominating first ray personalities into the theatre of world activity. These people are in direct contact with this Shamballa force and are sensitive to the impact of the will energy of Deity. According to their type of personality and their point in evolution will be their reaction to this force and their consequent usefulness to the Lord of the World as He works out His plans of world unfoldment. The energy of the will of God works through them, though stepped down and often misused and misapplied, by their differing and limited personalities, and interpreted unsatisfactorily by their undeveloped consciousness. These people are found in every field of human affairs. They are the dominant persons, and the dictators in every aspect of human living — political, social, religious and educational. Who shall say (until at least a century has gone by) whether their influence and their efforts have been good or bad. Where they flagrantly infringe the Law of Love, their influence may be powerful, but it is passing and undesirable, at least where that phase of their activities is concerned. Where they meet human emergency and need, and work along lines of basic restoration and the preservation of "units of synthesis," their influence is good and constructive.
I would here point out that real group love never demonstrates as hatred of the individual. It may work out as the arresting of the individual's activities or enterprises where that is deemed desirable in the interests of the whole and if what he is doing is estimated as harmful to the good of the group. But the arresting will not be destructive. It will be educational and developing in its results.
The true first ray personality who works in response to this Shamballa influence will have the ultimate good of the group deeply enshrined in his consciousness and heart; he will think in terms of the whole and not in terms of the part. That is the thing which he will endeavour to impress upon the racial consciousness.36
Two momentous, but preliminary, conferences have already taken place, thus inaugurating this new cycle of group functioning. One of these initial conferences was held at Yalta. There, three men, constituting a basic triangle, met with goodwill to all and endeavoured to lay the ground for coming world happenings.
All true movements conditioning long cycles in world affairs have at their centre a triangle through which energy can flow and certain definite purposes can be worked out. Little is understood, as yet, anent the nature of the task to be done or the type of men who work in first ray groups and Ashrams, and in Whose hands the political destiny of man rests at any one time.
Today a balance must be reached, and this will take place through the medium of an enlightened statesmanship and through a political activity which will be based increasingly upon the good of the whole of humanity, and not upon benefiting any one nation in particular. This balance will not be expressed in religious terms and in so-called spiritual terminology. It will express itself through group work, through conferences, through Leagues of Nations, organised parties and legislation. All of this will be the result of an intensive activity of the Masters and of Their disciples upon the first Ray of Will or Power. The quality of their work will be to express the will-to-good; they see the world in large terms. To the uninitiate, they may at times seem isolated in their actions and over-powerful in the decisions which they reach and which they then proclaim to the world—much to the irritation of the little-minded and of those who interpret freedom in terms of their individual, unenlightened point of view. They are, however, working under spiritual direction as much as any religious leader and this will increasingly be recognised. History will justify their actions, because they will have given a trend to world affairs and to human thinking which will work out in a clearer perception of necessity. What they do will evoke discussion and ofttimes disagreement, as have the decisions of the Yalta triangle of workers. But they are so constituted that they do not resent this; they know that the discussion evoked and the criticisms raised will reveal the inherent smallness and separative instincts of their opponents, and—at the same time—will evoke the banding together of those who see behind the apparently high-handed initial activity an effort to precipitate with clarity the issues with which humanity is faced. Thus humanity can be brought to understanding. These are the things which the triangle at Yalta attempted to do. These they may not have consciously recognised as the work asked of them on account of their discipleship, but they automatically worked this way because they correctly sensed human need. They were and are handicapped by the fact of their own humanity, which makes them liable to make mistakes, but they are far more handicapped by the facts of human selfishness and national greed and by the general low level of human attainment—viewing humanity as one whole.37
The results even when dangerous and terrible, have developed two vital characteristics in humanity. One has been the widespread development of the discriminating faculty, and secondly, a tendency to dispersion with its consequences of diffusing civilised and cultural values and the diverse gifts of the many people to the world soul. The drift of people to the colonies from Great Britain, the drift of the people from every nation in Europe to America, North and South, the dispersal of people within national boundaries as the result of war and expediency such as the evacuation of cities has brought about today, the removal of people out of Italy and of groups of people within Russia, and the constant moving onwards of the wandering Jews indicate a breaking down, upon a world-wide scale, of all outer boundaries and the institution of a process of blending and amalgamation such as the world has never seen before. It constitutes an educational system of untold value, leading as it does to the constant necessity to readjust viewpoints, to change modes of living, to intermarriage and so-called illicit relations. The outer change is producing an inner synthesis and outer dispersion, and cleavages are working out interiorly in closer relations and a more tolerant spirit of understanding. The power to consider, to choose, to think and to discriminate is rapidly developing among all classes everywhere as a result of the many cataclysmic happenings, the presentation of many changing circumstances and the many points of view and theories of government and of religion; these grow naturally out of new contacts and the rapid presentation of events through the medium of the press and the radio.
It is this that is of importance from the standpoint of evolution and the growth of the world consciousness. The physical plane happenings are incidental and of no permanent lasting power.38
It is well to bear in mind that all great movements on earth demonstrate both good and evil; the evil has to be subdued and dissipated, or relegated to its right proportional place, before that which is good and in line with hierarchical planning can find true expression. What is true of the individual is true also of groups. Before the soul can express itself through the medium of the personality, that personality has to be subdued, controlled, purified and dedicated to service. It is this controlling, subduing process which is going on now, and it is vociferously fought by the selfish and ambitious elements.39
This is a hard saying for some of you but your failure to recognise this truth and to respond to it does not affect the issue. It simply makes your individual lot and difficulties harder.
I would also remind you that the use of first ray energy inevitably means destruction in the early stages but fusion and blending in the later and final results. If you study the nations of the world today from this angle, you will see this Shamballa energy of will working out potently through the agency of certain great outstanding personalities. The Lord of Shamballa in this time of urgency, from love of the life aspect and from understanding of the Plan as well as from love of humanity, is sending forth this dynamic energy. It is form destroying and brings death to those material forms and organised bodies which hinder the free expression of the life of God, for they negate the new culture and render inactive the seeds of the coming civilisation.
The energy of Shamballa is, however, so new and so strange that it is hard for human beings to know it for what it is — the demonstration of the Will of God in new and potent livingness. I wish to remind you that I use the word "energy" in reference to the spiritual expression of any ray and the word "force" to denote the use to which men make of spiritual energy as they seek to employ it and usually, as yet, misapply it.
I would also like to state that the lot of a first ray disciple is hard and difficult. There are disciples of Shamballa just as there are disciples of the Hierarchy and this is a fact hitherto not recognised and never as yet referred to in the current writings on occult subjects. It is wise and valuable to remember this. They are powerful, these disciples of Shamballa, headstrong and often cruel; they impose their will and dictate their desires; they make mistakes but they are nevertheless true disciples of Shamballa and are working out the Will of God as much as the disciples and Masters of the Hierarchy are working out the Love of God.
From this display of energy, unthinking humanity draws back in fear and likes it not. When full of personality hate and self-will, human beings seek often to turn this energy to their own selfish ends. If human beings (even the best of them) were not so undeveloped and so superficial in their judgments and their vision, they would be able to penetrate behind what is going on in the key countries in the world and see the gradual emergence of new and better conditions, and the passing away of the loved, but slowly decaying forms.40
Blame not the personalities involved or the men who produce these events before which we stand today bewildered and appalled. They are only the product of the past and the victims of the present. At the same time, they are the agents of destiny, the creators of the new order and the initiators of the new civilisation; they are the destroyers of what must be destroyed before humanity can go forward along the Lighted Way. They are the embodiment of the personality of humanity. Blame yourselves, therefore, for what is today transpiring and seek not to evade responsibility by placing it upon the shoulders of spectacular men or any statesmen, dictator or upon any group. Look not to one person or to one group of persons and accuse them of causing the present world condition. Look not also to any one person or group to bring liberation or to find a solution of the world problem. That is for humanity itself to do. Humanity must take action and will do so, when the right time comes. To recognise joint responsibility, joint mistakes, ancient errors of judgment, wrong attitudes and habits of thought, world-wide selfish purpose and intent, a universal spirit of aggression which, down the ages, has influenced first one nation and then another, the tendency last century to crystallise and become static, the reactionary forces on every hand—these are universal qualities and no nation and no race is free of guilt or has entirely clean hands. Also, no one national group is purely wrong and evil or purely good and unselfish. There are mixed motives everywhere. Nationalism, aggression, selfishness and cruelty in all countries face a desire for world understanding, peaceful relations, and an unselfish and beneficent spirit also in all countries. The Forces of Light find their adherents and their workers in every country though some are subjected to greater handicaps in expression than others. So also do the Forces of Materialism. And in between these two great groups stand the masses—waiting for the emergence of fresh opportunity and new revelations.41
The second way in which this dominant will impulse makes itself felt is through the voice of the masses of the people throughout the world. This will express itself through sound (the first Ray), as consciousness (the third Ray) or love (the second Ray) does through light. The sound of the nations has been heard as a mass sound for the first time. That voice today is unmistakably expressive of the values which embody human betterment; it demands peace and understanding between men and it refuses — and will steadily refuse — to permit certain drastic things to happen. This "voice of the people," which is in reality the voice of public opinion is, for the first time and with no recognition of the fact, being determined by the Will of God.42